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welcome to the dancing forest…

loved one, we invite you to take off your shoes, and let the soles of your feet embrace the soft forest floor. come inhale the sweet aroma of the earth welcoming you home. wander into this welcoming grove, as the sun dapples your cheeks through the forest canopy. can you hear the trees whispering their secrets to you? can you hear the music of a growing movement drawing you into its embrace?

welcome, loved one. anyone who breathes can dance like a tree, and anyone who dances like a tree knows what it means to move freely with the wind while rooting in community. we are the dancing forest ~ a growing movement of people rooting in our communities as trees do: creating shade, shelter, food, care, and supportive networks for each other. it is through our sacred connection with the Living that we will sustain the earth and one another for generations to come.

change is afoot, loved one. the Great Turning calls to us, and we must choose what song we will sing in return. we must choose what forests we will grow in place of these crumbling structures.

we are ready for you, loved one.

will you dance with us?

are you ready to join this rooted movement?

Our social and environmental movements are thirsty for connection to life-giving forces that can guide us towards healing and love and sustain us through difficult times. More humans than ever are “awake” to the overwhelmingly painful realities of this world, but many feel despair in the face of the immensity of these oppressive and destructive structures. Few of us are equipped with the tools to take meaningful action to change these realities. And while many of us know what we are fighting AGAINST, a lot of us struggle to name what it is that we are fighting FOR.

The project of Dancing Forest is to:

  1. Spread cultures of LIFE that are the antidotes to the poison of unlivingness that characterizes our dominant cultures.
  2. Equip humans with the knowledge and tangible tools to CREATE new connective structures to replace the old dis-connective structures.
  3. EMPOWER humans to CONNECT with one another and the living world in order to continue spreading these cultures of life.

Want to bring the Dancing Forest to your communities? You can start by filling out the interest form below!